What do you think? - mirror dingy
Please let me know what you think. More importantly, what needs to be changed. Thank you for your data go.
It was almost noon, and the landscape, with exposed beams and sounds of spring. Today was particularly timely, not only because he is the true day of spring, when nobody was sure there would be no more snow, but also by a certain type, small and vain woman was preparing his things. She lived alone with two young men in an ungrateful little inn, decrepit, was on the edge of the village. They were stray dogs left in sixteen of the former house of her deceased husband. She has never loved and clear, whenever possible.
A young man, Marc, was standing behind the counter of the few customers who had prepared that day. It was almost nineteen years old, handsome and dressed in range and it would seem, leaves stapled brought negligence. She looked out the window opposite his brother, who was equally attractive. In fact, it was more like a mirror through a window, since they are identical to each OTin all physical aspects. Marc futile attempt to clean a dirty glass with a dirty rag while you wait for the dispute with his brother, the driver in front of the entrance to the hostel. It's a wild movement, as was the driver in a bad mood, he was a neck so short comic strip was going to be a thief so far only seen on the face of the enemy.
We tend to write much on the imperfect passive. You should try to avoid - is undermining their work. Example - Marc stood - Changed Marc was. Much stronger.
Then I do not like the expression that she lived alone ungrateful with two men ... is inconsistent. How can you live alone, if you live ungrateful with two young men? I want to change "She shared the housing of the inn, two men with unwanted guests ..." This is understandable.
Then you do not use punctuation very different periods.
Today it was particularly timely, not only because it is the first day of spring, when no one was sure there are no more snow would be, but because ...
They must learn to use a semicolon. You should read Eats, Shoots and Leaves. It helps a lot.
Otherwise, go ahead. I have no idea where to go, but they have a good start. Make sure a good plan - including its land and stories of the new track. Try a different print color for each plot and subplot, then cLength of characters that they are implemented. Moreover, these two brothers, I want to work in some studies with very good character, because it somehow on the line to create a clear difference between the two.
Good luck. Keep us on your progress. Due to copyright laws, plagerism and publishers do not accept previously published work on the Internet is all that would be placed. Pax - C
Me gusta mucho. Are you somewhere, you read it all? Want to learn more about the brothers and the elderly.
Me gusta mucho. Are you somewhere, you read it all? Want to learn more about the brothers and the elderly.
Me gusta mucho. Are you somewhere, you read it all? Want to learn more about the brothers and the elderly.
Lol, it's a bit nervous, but I would like as a whole. Good work.
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