Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Emprex Dvd Writer Problems DVD Writer Problem?

DVD writer problem? - emprex dvd writer problems

I have an external "Emprex DVD" burner with USB 2.0. I installed all the software comes with a DVD burner, but my computer still does not reconize it.I nessasery all specifications for the DVD recorder I have Windows XP, I even put it in a free software update, but can someone luck.Please help me?
Thanks in advance


Kind and Smart said...

Are you sure that your computer supports USB 2.0? Many teams are a little older USB 1.0 or USB 1.1 and USB 2.0 can not be read. Your DVD recorder with a USB 2.0 compatible. Thus, the problem could be. If so, there are some DVD recorders that are compatible and can work with USB 1.0. In this case, I suggest that the replacement of the DVD recorder and a compatible model.

If this is not a USB issue, I suggest you call our customer support in the operating manual for the DVD.

stephenh... said...

"With the 2-CD?" I had the same problem. If you arrive by car, it should be 1 or 2 are as elements of the clip. (White or color) on the back of the CD that you and your use cutouts, To configure the drive as master or slave. that the team is already a slave, no matter what is exposed. For more information, I should that's where I learned to work in mines

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